Reflexology is thought to have evolved in China alongside Acupuncture. It is based on the theory that the feet, hands and face mirror the bodies organs. Initially I work on specific reflex points on your feet with firm finger pressure, which does not tickle. When expertly applied by a practitioner trained in all aspects of the technique and anatomy, this helps to stimulates the body’s energies to heal itself. It also helps the body to overcome inflammation and congestion. Helping to clear blocked energy channels, easing stress and tension. This treatment includes a relaxing foot massage to improve blood supply.
This treatment is chiefly used to maintain good health and well being and to encourage the body to restore a healthy balance.
his treatment involves finger pressure to specific reflex points on the feet /hands , which correspond to an area or organ of the body. Combined with gentle , relaxing massage of the foot and ankle , this treats the whole body. Just socks removed , a relaxing alternative to massage via the foot.
Stimulates the body’s energies to heal itself and helps to ease stress and tension.
Encourages the body’s natural flow of energy, can assist to relieve inflammation and congestion , which can help enable the body to improve wellbeing.
Specialist Reflexology to help with lymphatic drainage (RLD) and fertility / Pregnancy Reflexology can be booked once initial holistic assessment consultation carried out.
Please allow 60 minutes for your first treatment, a preliminary talk about your general health and a foot examination is included. Subsequent treatments are 45 minutes. A course of treatment varies depending on your body’s needs. Typically 3 treatments at 7-14 day intervals followed by a monthly or 6 weekly treatment to maintain well being .